Make it Legal.

Hi, my name is Terrence and I am 24 years old. I believe the goverment should make it legal, in the way that every individual over 16 years and above, can cultivate it. It is a plant like any other, with much more benefits and usages. I dont see lemon trees, apple trees, olive trees etc illegal, so i believe it should be legal to cultivate it. The goverment should also make it available to be bought from the pharmacy, but if the goverment also considers opening coffee shops, then then extra income for the goverment. But, I do not agree to make legal, and it will be available just only from coffee shops and/or from pharmacy but not the cultivate it in your home, It will be that the goverment just wants to aid the big business ( corporations), and doesnt consider the consumers needs to grow it how they want for themselves and he will be just making it legal for his benifts and the corporations benifts. If it happens this way, then where is our voice in the system?

Also, i believe that the goverment should encourge people to cultivate industrail hemp to open up new businesses like chocolate making, hempcrete, ropes, as means of clean energy by turning it into fuel to power cars/ the power station etc, papers, toilet papers etc + lets not forget we  will be aiding for global warning!
