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Verantwortlich: Julian, Wiktoria


What are the possibilities that young people have for youth participation in your community?

During the promotion on OPIN on the ACTIon Final International workshop the participants are offered to participate on this project and write the possibilities that young people have for youth partic…


What are the possibilities that young people have for youth participation in your community?

During the online webinar for DigyPac we need to see the participation opportunities for the young people in different countries.


What does POINT need?

Which activity, gadget, game or should POINT offer?


What do we mean by shopping local?

When consumers buy local, they show preference to buy locally produced goods and services over those produced farther away, in our case from overseas. It means supporting the economy to be more self-…


What type of activities do you think that should be done during the AZ@Gozo Youth Club sessions?

Various activities will be discussed during the youth club session held every Mondays during the mid-day breaks. Students are to come up, plan and discuss activities.


Which topics do you think should be tackled/discussed at the GCHSS Youth Hub?

On a daily basis at the GCHSS Youth Hub, young people get to participate in various discussions. Through Eparticipation, we'd like to hear from you what topics, issues and subjects you would like to …


Wie findest du diese Plattform?

Hier möchten wir von dir durch eine kleine Umfrage erfahren, wie du die Plattform findest. Du kannst sehr gerne auch einen Kommentar hinzufügen.


Wie kann Landshut kinder- und jugendfreundlicher werden? Deine Meinung ist gefragt!

Die Stadt will einen Aktionsplan mit ca. 20 Projekten erstellen und diese in den nächsten Jahren umsetzen. Welche Themen findest du wichtig und sollten daher in den Aktionsplan aufgenommen werden?


Wie soll die Abschlussveranstaltung nachgeholt werden?

Entscheide mit wie die Abschlussveranstaltung nachgeholt werden soll und teile deine Ideen.


Wir gestalten unseren Geistesblitz

Zusammen mit euch möchten wir unseren Geistesblitz und seinen Nebenraum verschönern.