
Poll: Going abroad with Erasmus+

This is about to find out where students went with the Erasmus+ Programm. It is for showing the poll on OPIN.

Sequenza temporale


This is an example project for showing the functionality of polling in OPIN.

For that reason, we ask you about your ideas where you have been with the Erasmus+ Programm for studying abroad.

This poll is not related to the EU, the European Commission nor the Erasmus+ Programm.

Grazie per aver partecipato!

Questo progetto è già finito. Grazie mille a tutti per aver preso parte al progetto!

Where have you been with Erasmus+ Programm to study abroad?

This is about showing where young people have been with the Erasmus+ Program and why they did so. This poll is not affiliated with the EU, the European Commission or the Erasmus+ Programm. It is an example to show how polling works.

L'iniziatore non ha ancora fornito informazioni sul risultato atteso del progetto.

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