
Novel Coronavirus and Food Waste

The change in lifestyle caused by Novel Coronavirus has prompted us to change our eating habits. In very basic terms we have changed our ways of foraging (or sourcing) food.

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The change in lifestyle caused by Novel Coronavirus has prompted us to change our eating habits. In very basic terms we have changed our ways of foraging (or sourcing) food. This is challenging the food industry to deal with sudden shifts in consumer buying habits. While producers emphasise that the problem is not one of shortage of food, but rather of the need to cater for the shift from bulk buying (that supplied restaurants and hotels) to grocery shop (or supermarket) buying. We are eating much less at restaurants but more home-cooked meals. As long as the industry does not adapt to this shift, farmers and other suppliers end up dumping fresh food that is not being sold off the grocery shelves, with negative implications to our strife against climate change.

Contatto per domande

Sarah Spiteri

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ,
St Joseph Road,
Sta Venera

Telefono: 99787253

E-mail Sito web

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Novel Coronavirus and Food Waste - Voting phase

Your participation in this survey can help Aġenzija Żgħażagħ devise appropriate information campaigns about food waste and its implications.


Following each poll, an animated infographic will be developed and shared via the Agenzija Zghazagh social media and these will be used to develop an effective youth information strategy.  

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