
What are the possibilities that young people have for youth participation in your community?

During the promotion on OPIN on the ACTIon Final International workshop the participants are offered to participate on this project and write the possibilities that young people have for youth partic…

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As the world continues to change and evolve, young people across Europe are also grappling with the challenges of engaging with political, community and social issues that impact their lives. With many countries experiencing political upheaval and social unrest, it can be difficult for young people to understand how they can contribute to positive change in their local community.

To overcome these challenges, young people can take steps to become more informed and engaged citizens. This might include participation in different participation procceses, decision making procceses, volunteering for local political campaigns or advocacy organizations, staying up-to-date on current events and issues, and developing their critical thinking and communication skills.

By becoming more engaged and informed, young people can help to shape a better future for themselves and their communities.

Let's see What are the possibilities that young people have tor participate in decision making processes in your community? 

Contatto per domande

Marice Treneska


Telefono: +38970308746

E-mail Sito web

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