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Wünsch dir was! Jugendbeteiligung in der Universitätsstadt Marburg

Was könnte euer Leben im Stadtteil verbessern? Was fehlt im Ort? Was habt ihr euch schon immer gewünscht? Macht mit, schreibt es auf! Später kann über die Vorschläge abgestimmt werden und dann hoffen…


X'tahseb dwar Il-Youth Hub tal-MCAST

L-Agenzija Zghazagh ghandha centru ghaz-zghazagh fl-MCAST bl-isem ta' Youth Hub. Nixtiequ inkunu nafu x'tahsbu dwar is-servizz.


YEP goes Parliament - Positionspapier zum Pädagogik Paket

Die Stimme der Jugend wird in den Unterrichtsausschuss des Parlaments eingebracht



Jugendliche sind Expert*innen ihrer Lebenswelt. Gerade wenn es um das Thema Bildung geht, sollten sie miteinbezogen und ihre wertvolle Stimme gehört werden. If it's about them, don't do it without'em!


Young peoples' needs for a better community

With this project we want to ask young people for their opinions of what are their needs in order to have activities and tasks that will make their community better.


Young people’s transition to adulthood - Towards 2030 - Draft National Youth Policy, 2021-30

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Kunsill Nazzjonali Żgħażagħ together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations are inviting youth to review the National Youth Policy.


Youth and AI

An Artificial Intelligence Policy Proposal


Youth participation and decision making.

Youth organisations and local councils should involve young people in decision making processes. Is this possible?


Youth participation for creation virtual youth exchange E-Connexxions - Choosing online tools

The participants should write which online tools they want to use during virtual exchange. You should write online tools that you are familiar with but also the tools that you want to learn.


Youth participation in the creation if virtual youth exchange E_Connexxions - Themes/topics for sessions on VYE

The participants should write the topics that want to be covered during virtual exchange. You should write topics for the sessions for Virtual youth exchange.