Participation phases

What are phases in my project?

The project templates on OPIN offer a variety of functionalities (click here for more information). To structure the participation process the functionalities can be activated in different phases, depending on the template you chose.

For example the idea challenge template contains two phases:

  1. Phase: post and comment on ideas
  2. Phase: agree/disagree with those ideas

The phases are activated one after the other, depending on the dates you pick. For example, for the first phase you could decide to run the phase for two weeks (01.01.-15.01.) followed by the second phase for one week (15.01.-22.01.)

The phases are displayed in the timeline, so the participants will always know in which phase the project is at the moment.

How can I activate phases?

1. Click on 


next to your username in the upper right corner and select the name of your organisation in the drop down menu.

2. Select the tab 


Projects in the menu on the left hand side.

3. Select a project and click on edit.

4.Click on the phase tab: Depending on the template you selected you will find one or two participation phases.

5.Fill out the names and descriptions of the participation phases and choose when each phase should start and end.

BE AWARE that the dates of the phases cannot overlap. If they do, the second phase will still just be activated after the first phase has ended.

6.Click save.