
Travel Choices, Corona Virus and Climate Change

We are on a mission to find out what young people think in light of considerations raised by arguments raised in favor of greener travel and the impact of travelling less.



Saturday, 21st March, the Times of Malta reported that air pollution in Malta fell by up to 70% during the past month, attributing a possible link to coronavirus suppression measures causing the drop in nitrogen dioxide levels. This raises questions on what type of measures need to be taken to positively address the climate change emergency that the world is declared to have.

The way in which we choose to travel from one point to another has various impacts on ourselves, our environment, and our communities. Over the years, Maltese roads became more congested even though there have been various efforts by the public authorities to undertake projects which ease the concentration of traffic, such as widening of roads, subsides on procurement of bicycles and free public transport to young students and the elderly.

We are on a mission to find out what young people think in light of considerations raised by arguments raised in favor of greener travel and the impact of travelling less. 

Kontakt für Rückfragen

Sarah Spiteri

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, St Joseph High Road, Sta Venera

Telefon: 99787253

E-Mail-Adresse Webseite

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Travel Choices, Corona Virus and Climate Change

Air pollution in Malta fell by up to 70% during the past month, attributing a possible link to coronavirus suppression measures causing the drop in nitrogen dioxide levels. This raises questions on what type of measures need to be taken to address the climate change emergency.


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