
Sharing sessions

Share your idea for a session with other participants of the Open Summit



Participants of the Open summit on youth eParticipation in Europe “Future is Now” are invited to initiate Sharing sessions. These are organized in an open - barcamp - way. Here you can propose your session, that will take 45 min. You can present, discuss or just gather together with peers on eParticipation topics.

Thanks for participating!

This project is already over. Thanks a lot to everyone for taking part in the project!

Propose your Session

Initiate Sharing sessions - put your idea here. Here you can propose your session, that will take 45 min. You can present, discuss or just gather together with peers on eParticipation topics.

Each session should post its minutes on the online sharing etherpad, so all results are documented and accessible also for those, who were not present. Link to Etherpad:

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