Вземи участие в проект


The Environment I Would Like to Conserve

Malta will no longer be of interest if we do not safeguard our environment. This project aims to raise awareness about the history of Malta and instil active citizenship values.


To listen and to support the voices of young people - Towards 2030 - Draft National Youth Policy, 2021-30

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Kunsill Nazzjonali Żgħażagħ together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations are inviting youth to review the National Youth Policy.


Travel Choices, Corona Virus and Climate Change

We are on a mission to find out what young people think in light of considerations raised by arguments raised in favor of greener travel and the impact of travelling less.


What do we mean by shopping local?

When consumers buy local, they show preference to buy locally produced goods and services over those produced farther away, in our case from overseas. It means supporting the economy to be more self-…


What type of activities do you think that should be done during the AZ@Gozo Youth Club sessions?

Various activities will be discussed during the youth club session held every Mondays during the mid-day breaks. Students are to come up, plan and discuss activities.


Which topics do you think should be tackled/discussed at the GCHSS Youth Hub?

On a daily basis at the GCHSS Youth Hub, young people get to participate in various discussions. Through Eparticipation, we'd like to hear from you what topics, issues and subjects you would like to …


X'tahseb dwar Il-Youth Hub tal-MCAST

L-Agenzija Zghazagh ghandha centru ghaz-zghazagh fl-MCAST bl-isem ta' Youth Hub. Nixtiequ inkunu nafu x'tahsbu dwar is-servizz.


Young people’s transition to adulthood - Towards 2030 - Draft National Youth Policy, 2021-30

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Kunsill Nazzjonali Żgħażagħ together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations are inviting youth to review the National Youth Policy.


Youth participation and decision making.

Youth organisations and local councils should involve young people in decision making processes. Is this possible?


Zghazagh ta' 16-il sena jistghu jkunu kunsilliera u sindki fil-kunsilli lokali?

Il-Gvern Malti qed jaghmel konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-Vot 16. Wiehed mill-punti tad-diskussjoni huwa jekk iz-zghazagh ghandux ikollhom id-dritt li jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokal…