The change in lifestyle caused by Novel Coronavirus has prompted us to change our eating habits. In very basic terms we have changed our ways of foraging (or sourcing) food.
We are on a mission to find out what young people think in light of considerations raised by arguments raised in favor of greener travel and the impact of travelling less.
When consumers buy local, they show preference to buy locally produced goods and services over those produced farther away, in our case from overseas. It means supporting the economy to be more self-…
All the youth council will be meeting with the manager to discuss the programme. You are invited to set the agenda of the meeting.
Mr Zammit has suggested the school organised a debate for students. For this debate the aim is to gave students, educators, experts and parents sharing there views.
Various activities will be discussed during the youth club session held every Mondays during the mid-day breaks. Students are to come up, plan and discuss activities.
On a daily basis at the GCHSS Youth Hub, young people get to participate in various discussions. Through Eparticipation, we'd like to hear from you what topics, issues and subjects you would like to …
Il-Gvern Malti qed jaghmel konsultazzjoni pubblika dwar il-Vot 16. Wiehed mill-punti tad-diskussjoni huwa jekk iz-zghazagh ghandux ikollhom id-dritt li jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokal…
The Government will soon start debating the issue of legalising Marijuana in Malta. As Agenzija Zghazagh we believe that the opinion of young people should be considered when discussing this matter. …