

How to make citizen participation more attractive to youth? What can youth participation learn from citizen participation?

Времева линия


Participants of the Open summit on youth eParticipation in Europe “Future is Now” are invited to brainstorm and share their ideas. You have the chance to give your input even if you cannot participate in all of the discussion groups. Your ideas will be reviewed and discussed in the group. They are the basis for our 12 statements that will be presented by the end of the day.

The discussion group SYNERGIES will take place on thursday at 16:00 - 17:45 in room Plenarsaal.

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Brainstorm ideas

Think about the ways in which Synergies between citizen (general) participation and youth participation could be achieved and post them online. What could make citizen participation more attractive to youth? What youth participation could learn from citizen participation? Share your ideas

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Participation should be fun

ggr 07 Декември 2017

The recommendations that were proposed by the Synergies group are:


  • in any citizen participation project young people and existing supporting youth structures should be involved from the very beginning, in a project that has a concrete timeframe - and start young! 


  • Improve the education environment to boost participatory culture from an early age and empower individuals to take responsibility in the society


  • the participation digital platform should bring all age groups together 

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