I believe that this should be legalized, read below why

Marijuana is not just a drug.  It has been shown over and over that it has multiple health benefits.  I am unaware of it being detrimental to one's health if allowed to be taken in excess (of course we are only talking physically here), yet when moderated and controlled it can and usually has many benefits.  This alone is a good reason to be legalised.   Furthermore as many like to point out, it is very obvious that compared to other drugs allowed to be consumed by us (cigarettes, alcohol, anti anxiety pills, anti depression pills, sleeping pills) , weed is a much better and healthier alternative to what is currently available. 

In a social manner, the only social drug we are allowed to consume is alcohol, and legal highs.  I will not get into legal highs as we all know that the only reason they are not illegal is because of how easy it is to manipulate these drug's chemical structure and therefore can not be regulated nor controlled.  However alcohol, is widely accepted and equally over used and even abused.  When abused of, alcohol can make a person highly aggressive, unresponsive, and over all can  make people very irritable.  When smoking weed on the other hand, when smoked to excess all one can do is feel extremely light headed and dehydrated, take a nap, then bolt to the fridge like a freakin food ninja!


Some people will argue that weed is highly (mentally) addictive.  It is not entirely true.  Weed is no more addictive than alcohol, and people who will get addicted to marijuana are just as easily and equally likely to develop an alcohol dependency if they simply prefer it.  Addictive personality is exactly that, and these are not addictive substances perse, however they are more substances that to those who may be weak willed can easily for prey for.  This goes to both alcohol and weed, unlike cigarettes and other heavier drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, of which addictions are physical and therefore truly addictive in nature. 

Despite what i just mentioned above, in most cases weed is smoked with cigarettes, and thus it makes it that much harder for someone to stop smoking weed if they ever wish to do so because they also have an underlying cigarette dependency.  This is especially true for those who smoke cigarettes only when they smoke weed, and therefore their brain links the 2 substances as one and cant differentiate its craving from one or the other. In other words, if your brain is craving cigarettes it will think its craving weed as well, and in rare cases vice versa.

So personally I think it should be legalised both recreationally and medically.  I also believe that right now is a better time than any to educate people about addictions, teach them to accept their flaws and addictions in order to move past them, and also give them clear instructions on who to go to for any addictions they may have, be it marijuana, cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or otherwise 



P.S.  IF you are in favor of legalising weed, or agree to any of the points mentioned above, PLEASE do sign the following pettition.  You can choose to be annonymous 



Thank you for hearing me out and reading my (rather long) Reasons to legalisation :)
