The wall in our neighborhood needs colour to brighten up the atmosphere! We want everyone to be part of the decision what we could paint so we can all be satisfied with the new look.
მიერ Example for an Organisation
we want to paint the public wall in the our neighborhood! What should we paint? Let's all decide together!
The wall in our neighborhood needs colour to brighten up the atmosphere! We want everyone to be part of the decision what we could paint so we can all be satisfied with the new look.
30.მარ.2018 12:00
ჯერჯერობით დოკუმენტაცია არ არის მოწოდებული
ინიციატორს ჯერ არ ააქვს მითითებული ინფორმაცია პროექტის მოსალოდნელ შედეგებთან დაკავშირებით.