
Proactive and responsive youth-oriented supports and services - Towards 2030 - Draft National Youth Policy, 2021-30

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Kunsill Nazzjonali Żgħażagħ together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports and Voluntary Organisations are inviting youth to review the National Youth Policy.




Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and Kunsill Nazzjonali Żgħażagħ together with the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports, and Voluntary Organisations are inviting young people to participate in a consultation on the National Youth Policy which will cover the period between 2021 – 2030. The document is advancing 6 Strategic Goals, each with its own proposed action plan.  

შეკითხვების შემთხვევაში დაგვიკავშირდით

Simon Schembri

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, St Joseph High Road, Sta Venera, VSR1013

ტელეფონი: 99787253

ელ.ფოსტა საიტი

მადლობა მონაწილეობისათვის!

ეს პროექტი უკვე დასრულებულია. მადლობა პროექტში მონაწილეობისთვის!

Share your views on these action plans:

Strategic Goal 3 - Proactive youth and responsive services .

Strategic Goal 3 - Proactive youth and responsive services

Proposed action plan :


  • Develop and expand the human and infrastructural capacity of community-based youth services in the Malta North, Central, South and Gozo.
  • Strengthen and enhance community-based youth services in providing for:
  • Physical youth work spaces such as the youth activity centres at Marsaxlokk and Dingli, the upcoming mobility centre in St Venera, youth cafes and youth hubs,
  • School-based services, particularly in promoting civic education, active citizenship, local democracy and student councils,
  • Detached youth work services,
  • Supports and services for the LGBTI community,
  • Life skills programmes and initiatives at local community level to ensure and enhance the well-being and learning and employment prospects of young people
  • Digitalized youth work practice and services, and
  • Campaigns to raise awareness on important issues and causes.


მხოლოდ მოწვეულ მომხმარებლებს შეუძლიათ აქტიური მონაწილეობა.
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Agenzija Zghazagh and Kunsill Nazzjonali Agenzija Zghazagh will pass on the comments, reviews, and recommendations to the Parliamentary Secretary for Youth, Sports,and Voluntary Organisations.The goal is to make sure that the National Youth Policy action plans meet the needs of young people. 

ამ ორგანიზაციის სხვა პროექტები