Nimm teil an einem Projekt

Italy, Italien


CATCH-EyoU stands for Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European YoUth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions. it is a Research and Innovation Action funded by the European Union under th…

Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland

AKJS Schleswig-Holstein

AKJS Schleswig-Holstein

Marburg, Deutschland

Jugendförderung Marburg

Jugendförderung Marburg

Lukovica, Slowenien

Mladinski klub STIK

We are a young organisation focusing on improving the quality of life of all young people in our municipality.

Berlin, Deutschland


Die Johanniter-Jugend ist der Jugendverband der Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., einer der größten Hilfsorganisationen in Deutschland. Bundesweit zählen wir, die Johanniter-Jugend, rund 20.000 Mitgliede…

Rome, Italien



Nicosia, Zypern

Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου

O Οργανισμός Νεολαίας Κύπρου είναι ο αρμόδιος ημικρατικός οργανισμός για θέματα νεολαίας στην Κύπρο και υπάγεται στο Υπουργείο Παιδείας & Πολιτισμού. Ο σκοπός του ΟΝΕΚ είναι: - η πρόοδος και η…

Sta Venera, Malta

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ provides young people with the time and space to make friends, learn in new ways and develop their talents through our regional youth services and our extensive empowerment programm…

Elba, Italien


Un piano strategico partecipato dai giovani per l'Isola d'Elba

Prilep, Mazedonien

Coalition of Youth Organisations SEGA

The Coalition of youth organizations SEGA is a national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, dedicated to lobbying for legislative changes as well as supporting youth activism, participation…

Ljubljana, Slowenien

Youth Parliament - eParticipation of Young for Brighter Future

Otroški parlamenti® je program, ki poteka pod okriljem Zveze prijateljev mladine Slovenije in v letošnjem letu praznuje 30 let delovanja. Otrokom in mladim omogoča sodelovanje, vključenost in udelež…

Milano, Italien

Bilancio Partecipativo IIS Cremona

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