Agree on Legalising

I agree on freedom of many things, especially this sibject, I see no big deal at all and why the fuss of this subject, but anyway, you cannot speak and judge something when you do not know what it is, only from other peoples opinion who never even tried or used it, same goes for everything, and at the end its your choice what you want to do.

But its definetly not a gateway drug, and addiction  depends on the individual, as with everything, smoking, drinking, gambling, stealing, borrowing,and much more, when done or used without controling oneself, they can also do some harm or much harm....depends what it is. But Marihuana sets no crave for addiction, and regarding the high of the marihuana when used as recreational, differs from one strain to another, and there are many....talking between 20 to 50 different strains, so one must be guided accordingly, tendency is, that when you get high it can affect the individual in various modes, I just recommend when using marihuana, to be safe is to use it when you are home and not have to drive or operate dangerous machinery though many people can handle it too, but all in all, if it gets legal for recreational use, like many things, if used regularly and not abused,all will go good, I guess everybody should know ones limits and how much one can take.

On the other hand using it medically most of time is not consumed by smoking, either tea extracts, oil or eating, well it can be a pain relief, certain sleeping disorders, stomach and apetite problems, and many others, of which one can read many on the media.

Now getting this is another story. that depends on goverment more than legalising it, as this is mostly the interest of the government, places that sell must be taxed accordingly, and allowed ceratin amounts per day to be sold, and controlled so as to see that nobody gets swindled. It may sound crazy but it can happen.

Also one must be allowed at least to grow for oneself one to three plants at home for personal use. Places like aborad, coffeshops and so on must not allow kids under 16 to use this, and avoid selling alcoholic drinks , as this might be dangerous if you mix alcohol with marihuana when you are doiing it for leisure.

Many things can be done and once its done, all will be normal as usual, legalising it does not mean that you have the whole land puffing and getting high on chill out mode, I assume adults are more aware and concious of ones responsibilities, but keeping it a taboo, it will make people closed in themselves and abuse it, because they are afraid to talk about it or even mentioning its name

Guess that is all for now


thank you
