We would like to know what do you think of the Open Summit and OPIN.
Also, to do this evaluation, we naturally thought of using the OPIN app!
Thank you for participating!
მიერ Open Summit
We would like to know what do you think of the Open Summit
We would like to know what do you think of the Open Summit and OPIN.
Also, to do this evaluation, we naturally thought of using the OPIN app!
Thank you for participating!
ეს პროექტი უკვე დასრულებულია. მადლობა პროექტში მონაწილეობისთვის!
We would like to know what do you think of the Open Summit and OPIN. Also, to do this evaluation, we naturally thought of using the OPIN app :) Thank you for participating!
ინიციატორს ჯერ არ ააქვს მითითებული ინფორმაცია პროექტის მოსალოდნელ შედეგებთან დაკავშირებით.