
Celebrating our local community - Preparation Meeting

Our local council is hosting a 3-day celebratory event, the main activities will be held in the local square. The aim is to bridge the generation gaps to strengthen the bond within the local communit…



Due to the fact that nowadays, the majority lead a hectic lifestyle and has lost touch with the tight knit aspect in your local neighbourhood/community, the local council will be hosting this 3-day celebratory event. Called: Celebrating our local community.

Therefore, we are inviting you for a planning meeting to discuss the 3-day event. We are encouraging you to write what you'd like be discussed during the meeting. The different point will be used to formulate the meeting's agenda. 

Kontakt za vprašanja

Simon Schembri

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Triq il-Kbira San Ġużepp, Santa Venera

Telefon: 99787253

Elektronska pošta Spletna stran

Hvala za udeležbo!

Ta projekt je že zaključen. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki ste sodelovali na projektu!

Celebrating our local community - Setting the Agenda

Kemuna Local Council is inviting you for a planning meeting to discuss the 3-day event. We are encouraging you to write what you'd like be discussed during the meeting. The different points will be used to formulate the meeting's agenda.

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Art over the years

Local council
Marthagius 13. julij 2022

The suggestion you will be making during the OPIN project will be used by the Kemuna local council to set the agenda for the meeting about 'Celebrating Our Social Community

drugi projekti te organizacije