OPIN - Information platform for digital youth participation in Europe.

Digital information platform for youth organizations or public administrations.


Participation with OPIN not possible from 2024 onwards

We have decided to close the participation section on OPIN. We sincerely thank all the dedicated advocates for youth political participation.

On OPIN.me, you can still find information about youth participation. Our collected experiences and tips will remain accessible to you as content on this website.

We invite you to migrate to our free participation platform, adhocracy+. It offers the same functionalities as OPIN and is available in German, English, Dutch, Kyrgyz, and Russian.


Запознајте ги нашите амбасадори

Би сакале да разговарате со некој кој веќе има успешно спроведено проект за младинско учество? Нашите 4 европски амбасадори со задоволство ќе ви помогнат и ќе ги споделат своите совети и трикови со вас.

Листа на амбасадори