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Ideas on a Map: Change your city!

we want to change the schoolyard. Propose your ideas of where to build what!


Climate Change Paper

we want to discuss our new position paper about climate change with all our members


more colour for our neighborhood!

we want to paint the public wall in the our neighborhood! What should we paint? Let's all decide together!


School politics for everyone!

How can we get more students involved in school politics?


Spatial Brainstorming

Test here how it works to combine an idea with a map


Plan Climat Energie de la Ville de Paris

Le Conseil Parisien de la Jeunesse participe actuellement au travail autour de l'élaboration d'un nouveau Plan Energie Climat de la Ville de Paris.



"VIDIM PRIHODNOST" - karierno svetovanje za mlade v občini Mengeš

Projekt izvaja AIA - Mladinski center Mengeš, v okviru katerega se organizira delavnice, pogovorna srečanja in individualno karierno svetovanje za mlade.  


UČNA POT »Po stopinjah pastirjev na Veliki planini«

Eden izmed produktov projekta Občine Kamnik je zasnova bodoče učne poti na Veliki Planini.


EUth Trieste Lab

Basic description of the project's responsibilities and activities discussed in the preparatory meetings.


EUth Trieste Lab: Urbanistica, lavori pubblici e mobilità

Confronto con i cittadini sulla viabilità e pedonalizzazione; la realizzazione dei poli scolastici.


EUth Trieste Lab: Giovani e iniziative di scambio

Costruisce il futuro attraverso attività culturali, spazi di condivisione professionali e un servizio scolastico di scambio e sopporto.